Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie Recipe

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie Recipe

Ice cream for breakfast on the reg is the sort of life which I want to reside. Peanut butter, as an example, works really nicely with bananas. It is a great source of protien. It is a wonderful source of protein which is an essential part of our daily diet. To avoid more sugars, you may use raw peanut butter if desired. Peanut Butter Although peanut butter is full of calories and fat (the nutritious kind), it’s a great source of protein. Peanut butter in our home is serious organization.

Kids need fiber to remain regular, and smoothies are such an effortless means to receive it in daily. They don’t need the boost of protein from powders, it’s just a simple way to increase the protein if you are concerned. It’s possible to invent your children low calorie snack recipe for weight loss all on your own.

Creative Sandwiches A sandwich is always simple to prepare and can turn into a critical part of your weight-loss meal program. Blend two or three frozen bananas, peanut butter, milk, yogurt, honey and a couple ice cubes and you will have a great on-the-go snack. Making it a wholesome breakfast when you could be on-the-go! Salmon Meal If you’re planning your meals beforehand, you have far more options for your post-workout meal. It is possible to easily fit in a meal’s worth of calories in one smoothie without so much as realizing. Your post-workout meal is an indispensable portion of your weight-loss meal program. There are several foods that claim and seem to be healthy.

Hummus comes in a broad range of flavors. Avocados deal with the healthier fats requirement of the human body. Cucumber A smoothie which is certain to cool you down, made from blended cucumber. One of my favored smoothies of all moment, and it’s easy as blending half a watermelon. You only have to be aware once you blend that a small bit of watermelon produces a lot of liquid.

An apple with peanut butter by way of example is an excellent pick for a wholesome snack. For an Acai Smoothie you may also utilize blueberries if the Acai isn’t available. If want to get the smoothie a bit thinner, add a bit more milk. The yogurt produces a smooth desert-tasting consistency whilst providing bacteria conducive to a healthier digestive system. Should you do, you are going to end up needing to add in more milk only to keep moving in the blender. Oats are a fantastic method to remain heart healthy as they are known for protecting the body against cardiovascular disease, and even offer up some fiber. It may also support cholesterol reduction in the body.

Among the biggest benefit of peanut butter is that it’s a all-natural origin of the excellent monounsaturated fats. Because getting the proper quantity of protein in the proper balance is so crucial, I imply that you may well wish to try out a Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie mix. There’s no additional cost to you.

A weight reduction meal program can be full of exciting foods, if you plan well. Undoubtedly the simplest and most cost-effective way to get rid of weight is a weight-loss plan utilizing easy and fast meals and recipes in one simple wholesome diet program. You will see that the additional effort is well worth it when you taste it.

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie Recipe

This Peanut Butter & Banana Smoothie is my go to healthy breakfast that takes just a few minutes to throw together and tastes like ice cream


  • 1 frozen banana*
  • ½ cup of milk (any kind you desire)
  • ½ cup of yogurt (you could leave this out if desired or swap it for an equal amount of frozen cauliflower)
  • 3 tablespoons of peanut butter (can also swap out for 2 tablespoons of peanut butter powder)


  • Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and blend until smoothie. If needed, add a little more liquid (even just water works okay) to get the blender going a bit more.

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